I've mentioned before I'm kind of a nerd.
I think this post may provide proof of my nerdiness.
I love the Harry Potter books.
No seriously… LOVE them.
Don't you worry, I've got my tickets for this weekend! I can't wait.
So it turns out it's also genetic, because my siblings are huge fans themselves.
I'm sure we could argue for days about who is the bigger fan, who actually loves the books more and ultimately no one would be crowned king or queen of Harry Potter nerdiness because we are all extremely stubborn so no one would surrender the glory of that title.
And that was a huge run on sentence.
So back in November we got together for a party. It was in celebration of the upcoming Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows part 1. (Although the movies in no way replace the book, how could they? We do enjoy the movies). Naturally I saw it as another chance to decorate something, and I set up a potions table.
Complete with a potions book!
These photo's don't include the food. Everyone brought potluck Harry Potter style (treacle tarts, pumpkin pasties etc…) And we set it up around the decor. I was busy stuffing my face and attempting to destroy my siblings in a game of "Harry Potter Scene It." I couldn't be bothered with photos;).
Now I hope you are all forgiving. Sometimes I spend so much time making sure something visually looks right that I totally mess up. For example… I SPELLED INGREDIENTS WRONG. Honestly! Even better... it's large text and very noticeable. Unfortunately I'm not a witch, so I can't just wave my wand and say Reparo. So "ingredents" will stay. Oh well.
(Shhhh... don't tell, but I goofed somewhere else too. I don't know where my brain was at when I was making it).
(Shhhh... don't tell, but I goofed somewhere else too. I don't know where my brain was at when I was making it).
I did some research for this one. Piecing together what I could from both the book and the movie to get the polyjuice potion as correct as possible. With the exception of the word ingredients… gggrrrrrrrr… I think I'm pretty spot on. I purchased a medical book from the thrift store. After roughing it up (getting it wet, taking sand paper to the edges and just beating the snot out of it), I ran black and brown ink pads over the edges. Then I added a little yellow and brown paint to a cup of water and painted with it all over the edges. I created and printed out the polyjuice potion recipe and glued it into the book. For the final touch I splashed a bit of that yellow/brown water onto it as well. I wanted it to look like a little of the potion from the caldron had splattered on it. I didn't forget the outside either. I painted it and titled it Most Potente Potions.
It will make a fun addition to my halloween decor.

I labeled a bunch of thrift store find bottles with Harry Potter potions and ingredients. I also grabbed a couple of extra old looking books at the thrift store and gave them titles of books from Harry Potter. Then I added a bunch of my halloween stuff and there you have it!
I think the half blood prince would be proud!
Just incase you're wanting to create your own... here are the fonts I used.