Friday, February 4, 2011

 Night Owl Party

Warning… this is a long post.  I'm trying to add more details to posts like this.  That way hopefully I cover more questions before they arise.  I know when posts get too wordy people may get bored (sorry).  I'm still more than happy to answer questions… but I thought a more detailed post may be more helpful.

Little miss Ride celebrated turning 6 in december!  
She was determined to have an owl birthday party 
(I think she had been influenced by the "Legend Of The Guardians" trailers that at the time were playing on the telly).  
But what a fun theme!  So we started planning.  And when I say we, I mean that quite literally.  She is my little creative prodigy.  I recalled seeing this night owl party featured on hostess with the mostess (love that site).  It was so darling, we decided to use it as a base for her party.  

I used vintage vogue (papers) by sahlin studio to create the owl invites.  
I printed out the papers I wanted and used a template I had created to cut the pieces out.  I used a brown stamp pad around the edges of each piece, glued them together and added buttons to the eyes. 
The invite reads…
It's Ride's Birthday
She's having a Night Owl Pajama Party to celebrate!
Where: The Snow Nest
When: (Date & time)
Wear your P.J.'s! Dinner will be served!
It will be a hoot!
Like the party I had come across, I wanted to make the table into a bed.  I'm limited in both my woodworking skills and tools.  But I can draw.  
So armed with white cardboard, black markers and a exacto knife I came up with this….

I wanted to make it look like a bedroom, so I added a window to the side.  I used the "here comes the sun" digital kit by Kaye Winiecki and had it printed up at Costco.  

Then we have hanging owls… just like from my monster party.  

I used the sheet right off my daughters bed for the table cloth.  
The little felt owls attached to the drinks are from etsy.  I added a clip onto the back and the little party owls had them in their hair the rest of the night.  
As each girls each arrived we gave them a glow-in-the-dark necklace and bracelet to wear.  
Then we started on the homemade mini pizza's.  I came across this blog and used her directions for the pizza's.  She uses Rhodes dough for the crust.  They were honestly delish!  I put the dough on a square of parchment paper.  So it was easy to transfer their eatable creation to a cookie sheet.  And also I was able to write their name on the parchment so we knew who the owner was when they came out of the oven.  
While they were cooking we played a couple games.  
Lucky for me the dollar store had a huge glow-in-the-dark section.  
We played a version of hot potato… but instead of a potato we used a giant foam glow stick. The girls sat in a circle and passed it along in the dark.  When I turned on the lights who ever was in possession of the glowing stick was "out."  
Then we danced to music in the dark and when I turned on the lights they had to freeze… who ever was caught moving was "out."  Watching a room full of glowing (literally) little girls giggling and dancing in the dark was hilarious.
Then we ate our personal pizza's!

These were the hit of the night!
After we ate our pizza I again turned out the lights.    
Before the party started I had hidden glow-in-the-dark stars around the house.  Each one had a number written on it.   The littles were told to run around and find one star each.  Again…hilarious, I couldn't believe how much they loved prancing around in the dark.  After the girls each had retrieved a star we turned the lights back on and had them sit on and around the couch.  I had each owl wrapped and placed under the tree (it was christmas time).  Each package had a star tied to it with a number on it.    We started with Ride.  She had found the star labeled with the number 5, and so she then found package number five.  She came up in front of everyone and opened her present. 
Inside was her own special owl to be adopted.  
I read the little note attached to it.  She took a minute to decide upon a name for her owl.  She had plenty of help… the girls were calling out ideas, one gal suggested "star shine" every time someone was picking a'll never guess what she named hers hahahaha. We filled out the card to make it official. 
She then got to pick the next number… at this point the girls deduced what was going on, there was giggling and squealing.  After the second package was opened and that owl was adopted they now also caught on that each owl was unique.  They were mesmerized.  Each girl felt so special, we let her take her time opening the gift, admiring it and naming it.   I can't believe what a smash they were.  The kids were so polite and quiet watching and waiting patiently for their turn.   
Each owl was dirt cheap to make.  I even got the felt on sale.  
However… they took some serious time. ( I'd keep a couple in the car with me, so when I was picking up from dance, tumbling, school etc… I could work on them). But honestly I really enjoyed making them.  I could tackle them at night, after the kids were in bed, and stitch while watching a program with J that we had on the DVR or Netflix.  They were oddly therapeutic too... I could just chill on the couch and blanket stitch away.  (Oh, here is a fabulous tutorial I used to learn how to blanket stitch).  Additionally we had to come up with 13 unique owlsGood night!  My girls and my husband were a great help.  I was stuck around eight…it helps to have several minds helping out.  They also assisted me in writing a little spotlight for each owl.  (I debated on writing these all out on the blog, but I've found that generally someone asks me for stuff like this, so I thought I'd add it now just incase someone wanted them).  Here they are… 
I'm a Crafty Owl!
I love to draw, paint and create!
What project could we make?
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
I'm a Dancing Owl!
I LOVE to leap, twirl and prance!
I'm an owl who loves to dance!!!
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
I'm a Garden Owl!
They say I have a green wing.
Because when it coms to flowers...
I know just about everything!
Do you have a favorite flower?
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
I'm a Dream Owl!

Quiet down, don't make a peep.
It's time to fall fast asleep.
We'll dream of far off places
or soar into the sky.
Let's start our adventure
with my favorite lullaby.
I'm so excited to be your new friend!

I'm a Giggle Owl!
I love to tell jokes!
Want to hear my favorite?
"Knock knock"
"Who's there"?
"Owls who"?
"That's right, Owls Hooo"!
Hee hee hee!
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
I'm a Musical Owl!
I love the piano
the guitar,
and the flute.
But most of all
I love to sing
and hoot!
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
I'm a Dress-up Owl!

Once I was a pirate
Sailing the seven seas.
And then I was a monkey
swinging from the trees.
Today I am a queen,
but tomorrow what shall I be?
Oh I hope you want to play
dress-ups with me!
I'm so excited to be your new friend!

I'm a Princess Owl!
On my head sits a pretty gold crown.
Let's go to a ball,
I'll wear my favorite pink gown!
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
I'm a Snowy Owl!
We'll build a snow fort
and have a snowball fight!
And after we'll share
hot cocoa
by the moonlight!
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
I'm a Snuggle Owl!
Smooches, kisses and 
great big hugs.
Cozy in my blanket
is one of my loves!
Will you snuggle with me?
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
I'm a Sunshine Owl!
I love swinging from the trees,
and enjoying a sweet warm breeze.
I love a sunny day...
I just can't wait to go out and play!
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
I'm a Sweet Tooth Owl!
lollypops, gumdrops & sugary sweets!
What are some of your favorite treats?
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
I'm a Wise Owl!
I love to read books and learn!
Some of my favorite books are...
Legend of the Guardians
Harry Potter
and Winnie the Pooh.
How about you, do you have a favorite book?
I can't wait to read with you!
I'm so excited to be your new friend!
So each girl adopted their own unique owl!  
Then they cuddled on the couch with their owls and I turned on a movie.  You can't have a p.j. party without a movie.  
As I thought about it, I realized a lot of movies were too long for the time we had.  Also I've noticed that 6 year olds have itty bitty attention spans.  
So we showed Pixar short films collection.  
It has 13 of those spectacular and brilliant shorts.  That way we could wrap it up when it was time or when the girls started to get restless.  The girls LOVED it!  It was inevitable every time a new short came on someone would yell... "Oh I love this one"!  Seriously, kindergarteners are the best!
While they were watching, I was able to start cleaning up a bit and get everything ready for cake and ice cream.  
I made the fondant owl on top the same way as the hanging owls.  
I think he turned out adorable. 
I love that I get to make every part of the party.  A lot of times I look at these amazing beautiful birthday parties in blog land.  Most of them are so inspiring. They have hired party planners, gourmet goodies from fancy places, professional photographers and enormous budgets.  I have none of these.  From the decorations, to the cake… I'm a one gal show.  I really think anyone can throw a fabulously creative party.  So I guess I'm just giving you all a big pep talk... kinda cheesy, but true.    
OK… so in my opinion the felt owl and hair clips were more than enough. But I did toss together a little bag.  It's beyond me why I didn't take photo's… sorry.  They were filled with a tooth brush (dollar store) an individual mix of hot cocoa, several more glow-in-the-dark sticks and such and I made owl shaped crayons using a owl chocolate mold and melted crayons (crayons were also from the dollar store).  
And that's it!  It was a blast!  I had one mom tell me their little girl came home and couldn't sleep… she had to tell them over and over the details of the party.  Several moms have told me their daughter has to sleep with her owl.  It's also been a riot to see a little girl out and about sporting her hair clip with her owl in hand.  It's so wonderful to know that all the work was worth it... the kids adored their felt owls!!! Everything flowed so smoothly I couldn't have been more pleased! And the birthday girl still professes it was "the best birthday ever"!  

Hi all... I've gotten so many requests for the owl pattern I thought I'd add a link
at the end of this post for my etsy shop.  I've also got adoption cards, cupcake toppers, invitations & my bed drawings available too.
If you'd like to take a looky-loo here is the link...
SnowyBliss Etsy
Have a spectacular day!


  1. Oh my goodness. I'm speechless. Seriously?? You are amazing! First off that bed/table - wow, and then the owls and their personalities and the cake?? What a beautiful gift to your little girl.
    I'm so sharing this on my facebook page - it's too amazing!!

  2. seriously?! You are so darn creative, anji! When I have kids, they will have lame-o parties... I'm going to have to hire you as a party planner! Your girls look so grown up!

  3. WOW! I wish I'd had parties like this when I was a little girl! You are so amazingly creative! I'm definitely going to try to make an owl now. They are so cute! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful party!

  4. OHMYHOOTS...Whooooooooo is AMAZING? You are AMAZING... I want to come to a party at your house!

  5. You are UNREAL Ang!! This was an AMAZING par-tay for your little lady!

  6. Sheesh, what a fabulous party. Ang, you take the cake with party planning and execution. Incredible.

  7. I'm at a loss for words. There is no professional party in blogland that can compare to this. SO AWESOME! I have no idea how you came up with all these ideas...I have not been gifted with this ability. You can be my party planner ANY TIME! Seriously, FABULOUS!

  8. Speechless.


    That never happens.


    And, you bet your bottom dollar I'll be stealing some version of this and making it my own.

    Love and adore you SOOO much!

  9. Oh-my-heavenly-days! That is an UNBELIEVABLE party! Can I pretty please "steal" some of your ideas?

  10. Anonymous2/05/2011

    OMG!!!! amazing!!! love love love the table/bed!!!!! so cool! and the owls are so yummy!!!! looks like everyone had a great time!!!

  11. I bet every little girl is desperate to get an invitation to one of your parties. Great work Anji. Stunning!, love Mom

  12. Completely amazing, but not surprising coming from you. That is some serious talent you have Anj!! Can you tell me how I can become friends with your kids so I can get an invite??

  13. WOW, absolutely adorable party. What a lucky little girl!

  14. AMAZING!!!!! I swear you have more talent in your pinky then I have in my whole body!!! I am planning a pirate party right now, but I don't think it will even come close to this :)

  15. Seriously you out did yourself again! Amazing Job!! Love it.. You are so talented

  16. HI... I have to say this is the cutest party I have seen in a long time! I have been watching your blog and LOVE all your cute ideas. The extra time and effort definitely shows in the end result! I just might steal thsi idea next year (if I can convince my daughter)... but the big question you didn't answer was did you make the owls up on your own or did you have a template from somewhere. I am pretty sure owls are easy enough to do on your own, but just wondering... templates are always easier.
    Also, where did you get the cardboard for the table? Such big pieces... how long did that take to make? I am just curious.

    thanks for sharing you are going in my bloglines.
    my email is if you can answer my questions.

  17. I feel lucky to have one of those owls at our's perched on her bed right now. You are amazing as always!

  18. you are absolutely amazing. Can I have your address?" I need to be your neighbor just so i can pick your brain for ideas on a daily basis. Love your blog! This party was such a cute idea!

  19. wowsers!...that table bed thingie is freaking fantastic!...and that cake...are you kidding me?...everything is pure perfection!...

  20. All I can say is WOW! I was so impressed, I had to show this to my mom! I don't care for owls, but yours are adorable! And I love the bed! What a fantastic idea!

  21. Oh my goodness! That is all so amazing. You are amazing. Awesome Job!

  22. Oh my!!! I was planning on having a PJ party for my soon to be 5yo birthday and now I am definitely going to do the night owl theme. Love, love, the felt stuffed owls!!! Can you give us a tutorial/template?

  23. This is such an amazing birthday idea! I'm so impressed with all your creative designs. The owls look amazing!

  24. What a fabulous party! Such a great theme and you executed it beautifully! I love creative parties with truly homemade details! This is fantastic! GREAT job! :)

  25. I loved this birthday party! It is very unique and inspired. I'm sharing it on my blog at

  26. I love this party! I wanted to feature it on my blog

    Let me know what you think! Awesome jog!


  27. This is seriously one of the cutest parties I have seen in a while!!!! I absolutely love all your owl things!!!! And that headboard table...genius!!!

  28. You have serious talent. Love every part of the party.

  29. ohmygoodness! This is SO SO SO SO CUTE! Excellent job!
    Saw this on Sundae Scoop!

  30. A.MAZING! Don't know you, first time on your blog. But my jaw is dropped! Wow!

  31. Are you kidding me!!! It is so amazing!! You need to win an award. The owls are so darling...and thank you for including the details...cause I am one that would want to copy it for every detail. And wow..that bed table. That is just dreamy....literally, lol!! You are just amazing! I love that you throw incredible parties that can actually be done without hiring an event planner and a space! This one is in the to do list!

  32. This is the most adorable party I've seen in a long time!! Oh my goodness!

  33. Fantastic! You are one awesome Mama!

  34. WOW! first.. i've looked at a TON of owl parties lately scheming ideas for my little boy's first birthday & you by FAR have the most thought out & awesome ideas! i'm totally in awe of your tenacity to sew all those little owls.. they are FABULOUS! SO SO COOL!

    and, i'm so with you on the one gal show. all of these parties i see have someone doing a dessert table or decorations, or they aren't very budget conscious.. i'm glad to see i'm not the only one working on doing it all on my own & being proud!

    thanks so much for sharing!!

  35. I can only echo the comments above. The party and the owls are simply over the top. It must have taken a long time to make so many adorable and unique owls for the girls, and I am truly awe-struck. You should be a professional party planner.

  36. AMAZING!!!!!!!! Those individualized owls are absolutely phenomenal.

  37. um yeah, what can i say...ridiculously cute!! momma you must be tired:) how are you gonna top that one next year?

  38. the birthday girl is right -- it WAS the best birthday party ever! LOVE. Linked it up at my blog.

  39. Hooty Hoot Hoo!! Well done...what a lucky little girl to have such a talented momma!!

  40. This party is amazing!! Congrats on the birthday feature! It is all just darling.

  41. Love the adopt-an-owl idea, the hand drawn bed, and the cake!

  42. I love owls & this is such an amazing party! Great job!! We've awarded you a stylish blogger award. Come on over for the button if you like :)

  43. Are you kidding me Anj!?! How did I not inherit any of this creativity! SO-O cute and fun!

  44. This is absolutely amazing! You are so creative - what a great job you did with the head and foot boards at the ends of the table. Everything is just lovely! Love the window too!

  45. What an adorable party! I am a new follower!

  46. This party is beyond amazing!! I love that you did everything yourself!!! What an awesome person you are! So inspiring.

  47. Bravo. Bravo.
    The BESTEST Owl party I have seen on the web!
    (and I have seen a lot, sister.)

    Loved this post.

  48. Beautiful! I love all of your creativity. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to see what you do next!

  49. Seriously Anj, this is incredible!! It reminds me of something out of a magazine!! I featured you on my blog today:

    Thanks for inspiring!

  50. This has to be one of the cutest parties I've ever seen.
    WOW! I love every single detail!
    I do have one question for you, if you don't mind.
    Where did you get the large white cardboard for the bed?
    Thank you so much for sharing this party!

  51. Oh my goodness! This is the CUTEST PARTY EV-OR!!! I beg you, please share the template or how-to on the owls!!! I totally want to do a similar theme for my daughter's seventh birthday party this summer (I guess I better get started if I want it to be even a fraction of how amazing yours was!).
    If you're willing to share, I would love an email: sanashby at hotmail dot com

  52. Hop on over to the Party! Would love for you to link-up @

    The Treasurista
    Finding and Creating FUN things...

  53. Ridiculously amazing! With Joy, Carey

  54. Your skills are amazing:) That is a party that will not be forgotten anytime soon! I just had to repost to my little blog (
    and give you all the credit that you deserve!!

  55. Wow......
    You're crazy good.

    I'm featuring this on my blog.

  56. love, love, love it all! Specially those cute felt fellas!! You've got some serious talent :)

  57. That scene is totally amazing! You feel like you've walked into a cartoon setting! You have some mad skills! ; )

  58. Absolutely, positively fabulous!! If I could eat up the cuteness with a really big spoon, I would! I'm totally sharing!

  59. This is the most adorable thing I have ever seen! Seriously, those pillows are to die for cute! I was wondering what photo editing software you use? I am looking to purchase one, but am a little unsure of which to get...

  60. Anonymous2/10/2011

    This is WONDERFUL. I love it all! Thank you for sharing this idea. I talk about one-woman-show weddings- DIY ideas on a budget. I think this could be adjusted for a wedding reception. Thank you for sharing it!!!

  61. wow lots of work, but it looks like it worked out great!

  62. you are BEYOND talented and creative! Beautiful work!!

  63. this is my favorite party ever! and i love parties! i also do over the top parties for my kids and do all the work myself. the bed table is amazing! please stop by and see my recent party!

  64. You should be in the movies!

  65. I showed this to my daughter last night and she is SET on this being her birthday party next month! You have such great ideas even with getting inspiration from other places, your vision of it was the best!

  66. This is amazing. I have a party I am planning on Sunday, but this will definitely have to be on the to do list if I can talk to little girl into it.

  67. Ok I was reading your post and gushing over everything, my eybrows kept getting higher and higher and higer and I realized I was also speechless! I have since chatted up a storm (mainly about your amazing creativity and party goddess-ness) but my eyebrows are still way up there in amazement! I can not let my girls see this post or they will want you to be their mom too! :) You are amazing and I can't think of a single word that's profound enough to describe the awesomeness of what you did for your kiddo!

  68. Dang, my daughter's birthday just passed...This party is beyond amazing, as all your parties are!! I am so lovin' those stuffed owls and personally, I like your owl party better!! So super, stinkin' cute!!!!

  69. This party is absolutely AMAZING!!! I am so glad to see you back blogging :) I forwarded this to Christine, and she was also amazed! I am anxiously waiting for your next post!



  70. Seriously the cutest party I've EVER seen! I'm featuring it tonight. I'd love for you to grab a button.

  71. Such an amazing party! I am seriously in awe of the raw creativity and ideas! Love it all - especially how much hand-made/home-made stuff that you created. I just found your blog to night and love all your ideas. I also bawled when I read about your sweet Evie. God Bless.

  72. What a beautiful and special party - you are very talented. You really should be a profressional party planner !

  73. Anonymous2/12/2011

    You have a lucky daughter! And I wouldn't mind throwing that party for my own friends!

  74. Visiting via Southern Belle's Charm and I LOVE it. Great job!!!

  75. Off the hook cute and clever!!

  76. OK I am so far away from six that it is SAD .. but I REALLY want Sunshine Owl .. this is so cute and fabulous .. I know these girls will remember this party for a LONG time

  77. AMAZING! This is one of my most favorite of all favorites that ever was my favorite post!!! LOVE it!!!! I love owls!!! Thanks for posting!!
    PS I am your newest follower!!! YAY!

  78. Just wondering if you would share your owl templates with us? And the materials that you used to make behind the window and the owls on the adoption cards?
    Thanks so much!

  79. Just wonderful! I wish I was invited to your next party! Very well done! Thanks for sharing ... I'll be linking.

  80. I love owls and this party is super original and creative! Those felt owls and that bed/table are amazing!

  81. That is the cutest darn party i think I have seen - wow it looked just great and so darn much fun for everyone.

  82. Your owls are so cute, and I love the bed frame. Amazing.

  83. This is seriously one of the cutest ideas I have ever seen! I love it! I am a new follower!

  84. wonderful! everything is absolutely stunning!
    i'm doing an owl themed week next week, and i can't wait to link to your party!!! :)

  85. Absolutely amazing from start to finish. I don't think I've ever seen another party so rich in detail, creativity and love! Wow! Your tablescape is truly something to be celebrated (and sure to be copied by admirers all over the blogosphere). Inspiring!

  86. i have shared this on my fb page...i have to say..i have tears in my eyes looking at this. what a special birthday...but are an amazing talent. i am literally begging people to let me throw them an owl themed party because of you. Top Notch!

  87. Anonymous2/13/2011

    I'm speechless...and trust me, that doesn't happen very often!! Your party was fabulous...what a bunch of lucky little girls! I love that you did it all from start to're a gal after my own heart!

  88. I'm so glad to see you're back!!! I'm such a nerd I've been checking once a month or so to see if you've added anything and WOW! You came back with a bang!!!
    Ok so now I have to call in some creative mind-blowing-brainstorming-juices. I'm throwing my husband a party next month for his far its a secret. Its going to be a PROM. How fun is that? But I need some of your crazy FAB ideas to make it over-the-top-super-ultra-fresh-fantastic! When you have a minute call me or lets get together and ruminate.

  89. wow..amazing. love that you did everything.:)

  90. Do you have a basic pattern you'd be willing to share for your stuffed owls? We are doing an owl theme for our relay for life team and would love to make a few!
    Thanks in advance!

  91. I would love to have a pattern for the owls as well if you are willing to share... We are moving in a couple months and wanted to give my little girls one last slumber party with their friends before we go, its

  92. I LOVE this party! I also love that you did it all. What a great example of creativity on a budget. Thank you. I do have another questions. Where did you get those adorable plates?

    Thanks so much for sharing, your talents!

  93. This is without a doubt the most AMAZING party I have ever seen! I love everything about it! So creative, so original! And so incredibly CUTE! I wish I could have this for MY next birthday! :) I know others have asked, but I would also love an owl pattern, if you were willing to share. I am still in total AWE of this party!!

  94. Thats it, huh?? Are you kidding me? This is ALL that you came up with? Honestly I am tired from just reading the post. That is SO much work! Holly is way into owls right now-can I hire you out in May??? Did you just come up with the owl pillow patterns?? (oh, and 96 comments? nice!) Amazing Job! Love it!!!!

  95. Anj! It's absolutely gorgeous! And your cake looks GREAT! glad to have you back in Blog land!

  96. OHHH Anj, I've missed you! I've checked your blog at least twice a month just to see if you are back - this party is amazing! AMAZING!!! Best MOm ever!

  97. your party is amazing! just found your link from another craft site and so glad i did! also, i looked at the party from hostess with the mostess and yours has that one beat!!

  98. First of all, I would like for you to adopt me and throw ME an Owl Party!!! You are quite possibly THE best Mom in the world. You daughter is quite the lucky one. Are you sure you don't want another, but OLDER kid? I'll do dishes and windows.
    Amazing party!!!!

  99. oh, please share your owl template! Seriously the cutest party!

  100. I was so impressed with your party, I blogged a pic and linked your blog address with it. That has to be the best of the best in parties.

  101. honest to goodness that is the cutest thing ever!!!!!

  102. This is so adorable.
    The bed frame you designed
    is just too cool. And I'm
    a lover of Owls so I'd
    like to have ALL of them. ♥

    My Inner Child wishes she was there!

    Stephanie ♥

  103. Is this all for real? I want to be your daughter. Let's start with the headboard. How crazy talented are you just for that? The whole thing blows me away.

    ...hanging my head in crafting and creativity incompetence.

  104. Anj, every single detail of this party was fabulous! No doubt, you had a house full of very happy little girls.

    When my daughter turned seven, she and I designed a princess party. Each little girl came in costume and received a crown and a scepter as a gift. I constructed a castle that was actually a playhouse large enough to accommodate 17 little girls. Just as you did with your owl party, everything for my Asheley's party was geared towards her theme. Memories like those, created for our children, last a lifetime.

    I found you through Margie @ Through Margie's Window. I would love to have you become a regular party participant at my place. The links go up on Wednesday night and stay up for six days. And I also have a giveaway you can sign up for.

    By the way, I just joined as a follower, as well.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  105. Anonymous2/23/2011

    I haven't been to bed and it's 6:30am! I had to look at every one of your posts. Most craft blogs I find maybe one or two that I really like, all of yours are so creative and awesome!! I just love them. I especially love the owls. This might just be the best craft blog I have been to (and I've been to them all!)

  106. HONESTLY... YOU ALL ROCK MY FLIPPIN WORLD! Thanks for the love!

    K... I answered a lot of your questions with emails... however, I'm going to post some of my answers to those questions here as well. Just incase someone else comes along and is wondering the same thing.

    -I got the cardboard at a printing/shipping/paper store, Xpedex.
    -Those cute plates came from Target and Walmart. I watched those Target plates for MONTHS (the larger pink plates). They were part of the liberty of london line from last spring. Finally, they were on super mark down clearance, so I snagged them. The green plate I bought last spring at walmart (I actually bought them for easter) and the heart plates were also from walmart (last valentines).
    -I use photoshop and Totally Rad Actions for my photo editing.

    Again big hugs and smiles to all of you fabulous heart warming witty commenters! Thank you doesn't even begin to express it!!!!

  107. I couldnt be more inpsired then I am right now! OMG..what an amazing party, from start to finish every detail is unbelievable! Bravo!!

  108. This is SO amazing !!! I am having a baby in July and we are doing an owl baby shower and her room will be owl themed !! I wish I was this crafty this is just so great!!!

    Oh and I don't know how to make this comment as me so its commenting under my husbands google account haha sorry!


  109. I LOVE EVERYTHING about this party... i'm throwing a night owl pajama themed party for my 5, soon to be 6 yr old this saturday. i started off with inspirations from other blogs but THIS... YOUR party really tops it! i am so insanely inspired and i will be biting ideas off like mad... i love the hand drawn head/footboard... feeling a bit-o-anxiety about making them as cute as yours! thank you for sharing your absolute genius creativity... you have made me a fan! :)

  110. You are brilliant!!!

    This is the cutest, most creative party I've ever seen! And I happen to love lil' hoots too :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  111. OMG!!! That is fantabulous!!! Love all of it.

  112. This is AMAAAZING! I can't get over how gorgeous and creative this is. I would loooove the template for the owl pillows if you don't mind! ( My best friend's baby's room is owl themed, so it would be a perfect gift to her!

    Thanks! :)

  113. My birthday is coming up this week. I am kinda Owl crazy this year! LOVED your ideas. Kinda wishing I was a kid again. SUCH Creativity!! Well done!

  114. what an incredible party!!! Love everything about it!!.......wish my girls were still little!

    I love the idea of hiding the glow in the dark stars!....the owls, the bed/table, the cake....oh just every detail!!! perfectly fun!

  115. So adorable! I featured you here:

    Come grab your featured button. You deserve it:-)

  116. AMAZING!!!There's so much to love about this party! Wish I was a kid at THAT party!

  117. NO. WAY. Get out of town! THIS IS FLIPPING UNREAL!!!!!

  118. Anonymous3/03/2011

    Ditto what everyone else said... but seriously... how will you ever top this! :)

  119. OMG, so amazing! I wish I were as creative and crafty as you are. My daughter would love this party.

  120. Did a roundup of thank yous and of course had to give you a shout out for doing the owls again!

  121. You are so talented... the details of this party are fantastic! :) I featured you today on Ucreate Parties...

    Thanks for sharing!!

  122. I to comment. I'm in the midst of planning a couple of back-to-back parties in April and completely inspired by your party. Your daughter will remember this her whole life! You blessed me tonight. Thanks for sharing!

  123. Wow! WOW! Amazing! This is something those girls will NEVER forget! Just amazing!

  124. My goodness!!! Your owl party sounds spectacular and one that won't ever be forgotten! Thanks for sharing all the details with us! You have a very lucky little girl and she has a really fabulous mom!!!

  125. When I first saw it I thought WOW she had to have hired a Pro to set this up. You did a Absolutely Wonderful Beyond Fabulous job. I'd hire you if my kids were young enough and I had the money!!

  126. WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! I LOVE your Owl party!! You went to so much trouble and what an amazing result!! Your little girl is sure to remember this! All the details are just wonderful!!

  127. I dont even know what to say....besides totally amazing!!!!

  128. You are very bless with much talent and creativity. I am in awe over your work, the party looked like alot of fun!!

  129. How lucky is your little girl and all her friends.
    That is amazing and the owls are all fantastic well done you. The only thing is how on earth will you top that next year good Luck:0)

  130. I am definitely in Owl Heaven! I featured your party today for {party envy} and I would love for you to check it out!


  131. Absolutely speechless! Best party set-up I've seen, ever!! You can plan my wedding with owls anytime! hehe

    You've just earned another blogger. ;)

    Much love to you and your family,
    jojo =)

  132. i don't know why, but reading your post brought me to tears.....what a wonderful party and what a great mom for all of the hard work you did to make the party remarkable....

    great job mom...

  133. YOU my dear are impressive! Who cares about the lack of tools you go above and beyond! I simply love this, what a fantastic idea and the cardboard drawings are just amazing!!!!!

  134. well my dd asked if you would like to adopt her?? she wants an owl party too.. though something this awefully creative and plain delicious will be way beyond me..
    its the stuff little girls dreams are made of.. your love for your little girl shines through!! she is one lucky little girl :) i would love to make an owl for my little one, maybe shed want to stay with me then rather than being posted to the states :) you are super talented and thank you so much for sharing your creativity with the world!!

  135. This must of been so much work! but worth every minuet it will be some thing she and all her friends will remember you are amazing.

    I am sorry you lost a little one but she waits for you and I am so happy she inspired you so much! she did a huge amount with her short life. God bless you

    Love Dawn xx

  136. omg. i just dont even know how to express everything i want to say in this little paragraph. darling. adorable. unbelievable. wow.
    what an amazing creative girl you are. i am so happy to have found your amazing blog!!xo

  137. Wow.... you and this idea are SO adorable....
    I can relate to your tender story... when my 19 year old son died last June 2010... I felt my artistic and crafty side calling me to create I did just that... I pulled out everything I had... and just started making paintings, jewelery, small little gifts for all my friends who had helped our family get through the tough times... and what do you know the gift of creating is amazingly healing... I was so darn sad, but making and creating beauty works wonders on a cheered me up and helped my heart heal... keep doing what you're doing, darling girl... you are so talented and it really makes people happy... well done :)

  138. Cutest party I have ever seen! Just found you through Where Women Create. Lots of luck to you in your business!!

  139. So cool, thank you soooo much for sharing

  140. I too found you through Where Women Create and was completely enchanted. Your vision and the ability to magically implement it is SUCH a gift! How wonderful that you are living and creating a dream. What a God-given talent. Good for you for exploring and honoring it!!

  141. Anonymous3/22/2011

    Oh my! So really cute, my daughter sent your site to me. She wants to do an owl party for her soon to be 5yo. Where did you get the pattern for the owls, or did you get it from your head. You have some amazing talent. And patience. Could you please email me about the Owl. I would really appreacitate it. You know memaws (have to) do everything for grandchildren. :)

  142. Anonymous3/22/2011

    I wanted to tell you never mind on the pattern question, I went to your most recent post and found the answer. I just ordered the pattern and the adoption paper pattern. Thank you so much. This is gonna be sooooo cute!

  143. WOW, WOW, WOW that is the most amazing party! AWESOME, i am speechless!

  144. This theme is incredible!!! Just curious, do you still have any of the decorations? I would love to purchase them from you if you do. I want to use this theme and change it up for my son's sleepover/pajama bday. I am about to purchase what you have listed so far on etsy.

  145. Dear Anj_I just came across your blog on Where Women Create and...I am just speechless. WOW!!! Did I mention...WOW! How absolutely amazing is this...I want to come to your party:) My daughter is only 2, but I am going to totally bookmark this party for when she is older. And I just LOVE the owl + tree + window on the wall. I totally think I am going to try to do this for her nursery right now! Totally inspired! LOVE!-Soraya

  146. Anonymous3/31/2011

    Hi! I really love this party, so creative!!
    I'm starting with a site dedicated to birthday parties and I've featured your party there
    I wish portuguese people start making parties like this =)I hope they get inspired!
    Thank you!

  147. owl adiction! lovely and perfect! AMAZING

  148. This is so wonderful, I'm going to tuck this into my mental filing cabinet and remember it if I have my own children someday. This was such a beautiful and special way to share your daughters birthday. I'm currently working on an art journal and will be making up and owl to include in it. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful details!

  149. Darling ideas! We are borrowing a few of them, the theme mainly, for my daughter's 8th birtday party. She wanted a pajama party, which I was eh on until I came across your blog! We have very little time as it took me so long to get motivated, and I am so not nearly as crafty as you, so I'm going to have the kids make a felt Pocket Owl. I will cut out the felt pieces ahead of time of a body, wings, breast and eyes and the kid will assemble them. They will be about the size of a 2 1/2-inch circle when complet. Perfect for carrying around in your pocket! Thank you for getting my own creative juices flowing again!

  150. Is there anything she can't do? What an inspiration!! Truly amazing!

  151. wow, what an amazing party and I LOVE owls!!!
    I came upon your blog by a link. So glad!
    Thank you!

  152. I have died and gone to heaven. I am so in love!!!! I am obsessed with owl. Begging my soon to be 6 year old to have an owl party.

  153. Can you be my party planner???
    you are!!!

  154. So In love!! Died and gone to heaven!!!!!! I think that I left a comment, but here is another shout out. What were the materials that you used to make behind the window and the owls on the adoption cards? Also do you regular felt or wool and where did you get it.

  155. I have one word...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!!!

  156. This is so amazing! I really cannot believe that you made 13 of those owls! I am making 5 for my daughter's birthday party and I'm owled out already! :) Love all the details!

  157. I am confessing now. I saw your blog and stole the party favor idea. Drew up my own patterns using your cute little night owls for the basis. THANK YOU! These were easy and the girls loved them!!!!

  158. I've got about 3 more years until I have kids. Another 5 more years until I get to throw my very own owl party. But with your blog I'm set! I LOVE OWLS. I also LOVED having sleepover birthday parties as a child. This post was meant for me! Thank you for sharing!

  159. Oh, by the way... adding to my previous comment, you cant delete this post for at least 8 years so that I will have everything I need when the time comes. =)

  160. you are a SUPERSTAR and I am SO grateful to you for making me excited and buzzing with joy!
    I put a link to your blog on my blog today as I finished sewing little owls (15 cm) today for my daughters 10th birthday. I would never had thought of this idea myself and I'm just so happy you popped into my life just when I needed it :) I will be personalizing the owls but have to do it in secret from now on as I don't want my daughter to know about the game. You are amazing!

  161. how do you make he felt owl??? it's awesome :DDD
    do you have the template or the tutorial? can you send it? at

  162. Anonymous6/02/2011

    OMG, I am so utterly (inexplicably) obsessed with owls right now and fell in love with your night owl party! (As you can see: Your decorations are a great inspiration for what to do with one of my daughter's bedroom walls (love the window idea). Can you post a tutorial on how to make the owls . . . one for the newbie stitcher who knows nothing about any of this? Thanks for the great post! :-)
    The Outlaw Mom

  163. Everything came out totally cute. I'm tempted and also scared to try making one of those felt owls lol.

  164. Everything came out pretty cool. I'm tempted and kinda scared to try the felt owl project lol

  165. Goodness me!!!! I just love this, you are so clever! What a lucky little girl you have to have such a clever Mummy!!!!!! Am now following! x

  166. This is amazing!!! You really did a great work!!! I love the owls!

  167. OMGosh! I just followed a link from Stephanie Howell over here and now I'm glad I did! Those owls are precious!!! You are amazing! Can you adopt me pretty please? My birthday is in March! ;)

  168. This is seriously the CUTEST thing I have EVER seen! I came across this post after seeing your felt owls on Pinterest. You are so extremely talented and creative! New follower!!

  169. I absolutely LOVE this! My daughter is almost 2 months old - and I have been thinking about her 1st birthday (I know - a little early, right?). BUT, I think I have to try some of these owl things. So cute!

  170. I am so going to have to learn how to sew! The owls are ADOREABLE! And I can't get over the fact that you came up with that many different ideas with such creative little stories. And the owl adoption cards? Genius. So were the glow in the dark stars!

  171. Wow!! I turn 32 next week, and I seriously want to have this birthday party!! You are amazing! I was going to do an owl theme for my daughter's 2nd birthday, but now, I think I'm going to wait until she gets older so that I can use some of your ideas! I absolutely LOVE it!

  172. Thank you so much for posting your daughter's owl party! Please take a look at my blog where I have credited you and borrowed some of your ideas for my friend's daughter's "Owl Night" pajama Party! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! You have definitely helped us make a party to remember! :) ~Jen


  174. oh wow... Nice creativity... I liked your party very much. Thanks for sharing with us...
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  175. Wow I just found you and this adorable party. I'm a one gal show too and I love it. I love that I get to put my hands onto and into every aspect of the party and it's a true reflection of me and my kids. I think you did an amazing job and I can't wait to use the bed/ table idea for my daughters pajama birthday party. Oh and I love the owls too. Adorable. Thanks so much.

  176. I want to adopt you as my mother...this is the most awesome party idea I have seen..smiles Michelle

  177. These invitation cards and party ideas are really great. i loved it so much.

  178. Oh my gosh!!! I told my daughter, who is the amazing lady? Martha Steward! I can''t believe your talent! Love everything. Wish I could be invited to your birthday parties!!! Off to check your Etsy shop. I was looking for an owl pattern. Thank you for sharing this incredible party!

  179. I don't even know what to say! This is amazing! I did an owl themed party for my little girl last year and this puts it to shame! Wonderful job! Everything was perfect! Your amazing! <3

  180. I adored your party! I blogged about it and posted links to your etsy site here. Thanks for the inspiration!

  181. I'm going to attempt to recreate this party for my daughters 7th birthday. I was just curious where you found heavy duty poster board that large to make the head & footboard? You really did an amazing job & are very talented!

  182. Anonymous1/10/2012

    I am SpeeChLesS!!! AMAZING!!!!! I can not believe you made those owls! The bed table was amazing too!!!!!

  183. Wow!!!! so impressed!!! What fabulous ideas and executed so brilliantly!!!..what lucky lucky kids! :)

  184. Spectacular! It does look like a lot of work, but what a labor of love.

  185. Hi! do you mind letting me know what kind of cardboard size you used!? I love your ideas!

  186. Anonymous7/17/2012

    Beautiful.. I would love to meet you as I think we have sooo much in common. I am already organising my twin's 2nd birthday party.. it is going to look colourful and great... I made some owls which will be hanging from a birthday wreath.. you can see them here:
    As soon as I start adding the pictures to my other blog:
    I will mention your blog and give you credit for such wonderful ideas and creativity!!.. Thanks for sharing.. This world needs mums like you, like us... Thank you!!!

  187. Fantástico!!!! Amo coruja!!!!

  188. pinned you on my party board on pinterest. Love you party ideas.

  189. I saw your owl party on Pinterest and it is oh so cute!!! I love your felt owls and I would love to have your template if you are willing to share. I would love to have these cute little owls at my daughter's first birthday party. and oh so cute I love it!!!

  190. I saw your felt owls on Pinterest and they are oh so adorable. Would you be willing to share your template So Cute!!!

  191. Hi! I actually sell the template (pattern) for my felt owls on etsy.
    Here is the link!


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