Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Seussville Birthday

Many moons ago, before I was married, I started collecting children's books.  I'm so glad I did.  By the time the kiddo's came along, I had grown a beautiful assortment.  To be honest, I prefer the children's niche at Barnes and Noble over any other region there.  Books filled with visual mastery and charming fables that make kids giggle, and mother's teary eyed...sigh.
When I started my accumulation, I began with the beloved Dr. Seuss. I've always been a fan.
Today is his birthday.
"If you'd never been born, well what would you be?

You might be a fish! Or a toad in a tree!

You might be a door knob! Or three baked potatoes!
You might be a bag full of hard green tomatoes!

Or worse than all that... why, you might be a

A Wasn't has no fun at all. No, he doesn't.

A Wasn't just isn't. He just isn't present.

But you... you ARE YOU! And now, isn't that pleasant!"

-- Dr. Seuss, from Happy Birthday To You!
And speaking of birthdays...here are pictures of Momo's first birthday.  Almost a year ago.  It was a Dr. Seuss affair.
The cupcakes are from Costco.  Then I added the chocolate hat (yes... those little Dr. Seuss hats are edible).  I talked about how to make chocolate cupcake toppers here...Down the Rabbit Hole  
I also made more cupcakes and the fun chocolate candle cupcake toppers. 
The mums are made from old t-shirts.  I cut up about 3 old Jazz t-shirts and a random red one.
Natalie Chanin an amazing designer posted the instructions here...

jersey flower bouquet
 I'm sooo delighted by them.  I need to make more.  These doubled nicely as decorations for the 4th of July.  I'm also drooling over the muted tones she used.  What do you think... mums for mums day?  What a clever way to repurpose old t-shirts.  

"So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. 
And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act.
And will you succeed? 
Yes! You will, indeed! 
(98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) 
Kid, you'll move mountains."
-- Dr. Seuss, from Oh The Places You'll Go
Happy Birthday Theodor Seuss Geisel
Thank you for coating my imagination with color, humor and a silly cat in a hat.


  1. Hi Anj! I love, Love, LOVE your blog! Thanks for inspiring me.


  2. So cute Anj! I LOVE it! Dr. Seuss is awesome. I started collecting children's books and Disney movies before I was married too! You are so creative!

  3. AAAHHHH I wish I had found your post a few weeks ago when I was planning my daughters birthday. I LOVE your cupcake toppers! And those Mums! Beautiful! I just had my party this last weekend.

  4. Ok, I'm squeaking again for another party...I have a Fiesta Friday roundup coming up and your clever cupcakes are a shoo-in!

  5. Those cupcakes are ADORABLE!!!

  6. Anj...Teddy's birthday finally rolled around and I finally got to copy your cupcakes! Mine not as cute as yours cause I guess costco doesn't make cupcakes anymore! and harmons' aren't as cute as costco's. anyway...check out my blog post...I credited you in a couple places!

  7. Your parties all look so wonderful! Can I recruit you for my next birthday? :)


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