Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mad As A Hatter

The whole thing started with this text conversation...
Tiff..."So don't think I'm a dork-but we HAVE to go to the midnight showing of alice in wonderland.
Me...ummm...I soooo agree!!!  How much fun would that be.  We could even have a little party at my house before (for all fellow dorks who would like to join us) cause I have all this Alice in Wonderland crud.  It would be so fun!
Tiff...I am so game!  Let's do it for sure!
The Midnight Tea Party planning began.
So then I posted about it on the blog, and I was pleased as punch to find a gaggle of fellow nerds that wanted to join in the festivities!
Then the night before our party I get this text...
Tiff... Problem.  We are in the ambulance and on the way to pcmc.
Tiff's baby (one day shy of his month birthday) was admitted to Primary Children's for RSV.  Poor little guy.  He's still there.  So say a little prayer for Carson Cameron.  Tiff didn't make it to the party she helped plan.  
(Sending prayers and hugs your way dearest Tiffany)
Paper Chains Galore!!! 
All made from an old book I got at good will for $2.00.
Love the hanging lollies.  They measured about 16" round.
I dragged the mirror from my bedroom out into the entryway.  
(You can write on a mirror with permanent marker.  It comes off with rubbing alcohol). 
We had a pot luck, wonderland style.  Look how cute these tarts are!
This Alice shirt I discovered when we went to Disneyland.  
I didn't purchase it... I regretted this.  A family in our neighborhood went to Disneyland a week ago.  J knew this and sent them on a mission to find it and bring it home for me.  What a good husband.
Yeah, so this post is much like the other Alice in Wonderland party post.
I'm all "wonderlanded"out... so you don't have to worry about more.


  1. So Cute Anj! I wish I could have been there.You are so creative. You need to go into business.

  2. Wish I could have been there as well, but no matter, how was the movie? Lived up to expectations?

  3. Sheesh, you are amazing. So, SO sad I couldn't make it!

  4. Woo Hoo! My tarts made the blog! Thanks for the great party!

  5. I'm a little behind, but your party looks perfect! I swear, you are so amazing. (saying I swear is a little strange there, but that is how I feel!)

  6. way to make me cry!!!
    thank you so much for putting this all together. i feel awful i wasn't able to help more. it looks fantastic though - you did great!
    you are an amazing person miss anj. love you tons.

  7. WOW! What a fab party! And cute shirt!

  8. I LOVE this party! The book chain! The mirror! all the clocks and playing cards AMAZING! AHH the drinks!!! I am in love!

  9. What an adorable party! Ok... so now it is all adding up. I know that 1/2 of the team that gave away the Oh Sweet Sadie Academy tuition was "Anj," who thinks it's cool that I'm related to Tiff. And then I come across this awesome blog by "Anj". And I wonder, how many "Anj's" could there be in the world. And now I know, just one!!

  10. Stephanie... I love Tiff.. she's one of my favorites ever! However, I'm not the "anj" giving away Oh Sweet Sadie tuition. (I had to google Oh Sweet Sadie, which looks mighty cool BTW). I'm glad to hear there is another Anj out there somewhere though;)

  11. hey i LOVE this party and am doing something similar for my daughter's birthday. HOW did you do the cans of red paint??? i love them! do you have any other photos you'd be willing to share with me? {or details about the decor}


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