Monday, August 22, 2011

Shabby Roses Everywhere

Why hi there! How has your summer been!?!?
My girls return to school next week.  
I have mixed feelings.  
It will be nice to have their room stay clean.
  And to not have the doorbell ring EVERY 5 MINUTES.  
But honestly… I'm going to miss the giggles, the lazy mornings and the sunshine.

Although the other day Momo was at preschool (he started a couple weeks ago).  And I took the opportunity to run to a few shops while he was gone.  It was just me and my girls.  Every once and awhile while browsing through the store I'd have a near panic attack.  I'd realize it was waaay too quiet and Momo was no where to be found.  I caught myself looking around fretting that he had made a run for it, was smashing displays, or climbing the shelves!   When my horror would suddenly be replaced with glee. He's at preschool… silly me.

So I've been busy the last few weeks.  
Here's what I've been up to!...

A whole lot of long stemmed fabric roses.
   Goodness they're lovely.  
I purchased a bunch of fabric to make them in the spring.  I started, honestly I did, but spring is crazy busy and I don't know what I was thinking, because they are not a quick project.  Anyway, they are now finished. 

So I have a few up on etsy!  And because I have so many DIY junkies (go team DIY) I've also created a DIY long stemmed fabric rose kit.
  It comes with 12 stems, and 12 strips of 5 inch fabric, and even dictionary paper (sew them together and package your roses up all pretty).  So you can make your own dozen without gallivanting around, searching for everything and just get to the creating part!
Just in casey, here's a linky to... 
So here they all are.   
Sitting in my living room, wrapped up all pretty and waiting for a good home.  
Sigh… I might have a hard time letting them go.
  Look how happy they are!
And here's a quick link back to my