Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thank You... and other stuff!

I must tell all you wonderful beautiful people
I seriously love the crafty bloggy community!
Everyone is so sweet and encouraging!  
Goodness I'm just overcome by your comments and emails and kindness!  
Sigh… you're all just fabulous!  
A giant cyber hug to you all!
I've been working on several requests from my owl party.
I'm getting close to having a….
Felt owl pattern 
Adoption cards 
Printable do it yourself invitations
Drawings of my cardboard bed & window 
and even some 
Cupcake toppers! 
The pattern is getting really really close, and I'm so hoping to have it up on etsy within a few days.  And if my wonderful two year old son is cooperative then hopefully everything else will follow soon after.   
We ran into a problem as of late.  Momo wants to go to bed at night with Ride's "sunshine" owl.  Well naturally she does too!  To temporarily resolve the owl issue, I let Momo fall asleep with the owl, and then I would sneak into his room, retrieve the owl from his captor and return it to Ride in bed.  
I had to make another owl for the pattern instructions and now Momo has his own!  Peace has now been restored to the home!
  Here he is getting ready for his nap today.  We read what he calls the "martian" book. (It's actually "Mars Needs Moms."  And it's totally darling and I give it a thumbs up and highly recommend it). While he cuddled with his new owl pal.  Now they are both snoozing soundly.
I've started a Facebook page.  
I should warn you… I'm kinda, well… I am a big dorky nerd.  And for whatever reason Facebook makes it more comfortable for me to embrace my inner nerd… and boy does it shine!  So if you're ok "liking" a nerd come on over.  Here's the linky-lou (I'll be adding one to my side bar shortly).
OK… so I made 4 little circle scalloped numbers.  I made four, because I had four things in my brain I wanted to share with you.  But now I'm at a loss.  I don't remember what #4 was supposed to be.  But I made it, so I'm putting it up anyway;)  Knowing me I'll sit up in bed around midnight, having suddenly recalled what "it" was.  I'll also awake J because I'll be proclaiming "that's what number four was."  Oh well.


  1. Hooray for you! I laughed with #4. Thanks for bringing smiles to my face when you pop up in my reader.

  2. Yay!!! Owl patterns! I'm first in line - I can't wait! ;) I'm off to check out your new Facebook page!

  3. is #4 the craft giveaway you posted on FB last month?
    haha, totally kidding.
    i am so excited for you to start this up. you are amazing anj! i love you tons.

  4. Thanks for the kindness all!!!

    And Miss Tiff (LOL)... I still have 10 months to make good on that;). I'm thinking of making you a pet rock... with glitter of course!

  5. You are so cute! Love your blog!

  6. So excited for you! (and for me since I can now benefit from your craftiness!!)

  7. I am sooo excited about the owl pattern. My daughter's BFF is in LOVE with owls. Her birthday was last month, but I'd still love to make one for her. Maybe a set of BFF owls? :)

  8. BFF owls... LOVE IT!

  9. a pet rock?
    now THAT'S what i'm talking about!
    i can't wait.


  10. thanks for the referral on the book anj! (we're always looking for new books around here.) i checked out another one by the same author today at the library and thought it was just kind of cute until the very end when i found myself BAWLING and could hardly finish the story to my kids. SO touching. (if you haven't read it it's called "pete & pickles")

  11. I can't wait for the pattern for the owls. I can see these becoming addictive. Thanks for showing us such a fun party.

  12. You're probably like me and couldn't STAND to leave it as an odd number of "points." ha! I've found all us crafty folks are borderline OCD :) Loved your owl party stuff and look forward to all the printables, patterns, etc.

  13. I love your blog, someone posted a link to the fabric flowers on facebook and now I'm hooked! Maybe you'll inspire me to be more crafty!

  14. I would really like to have the owl pattern. Will you let us know when it is up? I can't see the link to your etsy shop.

  15. happy new follower! loved the owl party and cant wait for the pattern!


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